Located at
19940 Mona Rd, Suite 8, Tequesta, FL
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Manual Therapy is a hands-on form of treatment performed by a physical therapist involving safe and gentle mobilization of muscles, fascia, and bones to restore movement, decrease pain, increase circulation, and speed healing. This does not involve chiropractic manipulation techniques. If chiropractic care is needed it will be referred out to a highly skilled practitioner.

Osteopath doing a lumbosacral evaluation


Breathe Better

The manual techniques we implement are used to improve diaphragm position to allow for less restrictions with breathing, release tense muscles, improve rib cage position and alignment, free up ribs to move better with the breath cycle, improve pelvic bone position, improve position of a hip bone in the joint, etc.

All types of Manual Therapies

Some examples of manual therapy techniques used in our office are soft tissue manipulation like massage, joint mobilization, cranial osteopathic techniques, taping, cupping, and instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization.